Reasons Why You Should Travel to Bromo

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Mount Bromo tourism object or which is often known as Bromo Tourism is one of the most interesting among other mountain tourism objects in Indonesia. Mount Bromo itself is always full of tourists both local and foreign and become the most popular mountain tourism destination in Indonesia. There are many things that cause why Mount Bromo is never deserted by visitors, the reason are:


The first reason why Mount Bromo is never quiet visited by tourists both coming from local and foreign is because of its extraordinary natural beauty. In addition, Mount Bromo which has an altitude of about 2329 m above sea level is also considered one of the sacred mountains by the tengger tribe.

Its extraordinary natural panorama is able to draw the attention of tourists, the weather is cool and cold, and the experience that it provides will never be forgotten by tourists. That is the attraction that is often hunted by adventure lovers.

Current Transportation

Mount Bromo itself can be accessed from 4 main places namely Probolinggo, Lumajang, Pasuruan, and Malang Regency. To get to Mount Bromo many Bromo tour package agents who provide services, are ready to take you on a tour to one of the most famous mountains in Indonesia at competitive prices.

Many tourist attractions around Mount Bromo

The next reason why you should go to Bromo is, there are some interesting tourist attractions around Mount Bromo and we can stop by. Here are some of them.

Sea of ​​sand

This sea of ​​sand in Mount Bromo was created from the eruption of the mountain itself. The sea of ​​sand around Mount Bromo stretches quite wide to 10 km2. The sea of ​​sand looks unique, especially if you remember that the area of ​​Mount Bromo is at an altitude.

Padang Savana Bromo

Besides the vast expanse of sand, it turns out that in Mount Bromo there is also a stretch of verdant meadows that look very beautiful and enchanting. The view is certainly very contrast with the savanna desert which also exists around Mount Bromo.

The grassland is quite wide, as a valley jemplang. Panorama in Bromo Tourism is beautiful and the green weather is cool, and the atmosphere is very natural is an interesting combination that always makes people want to return to that place.