Plan a Holiday You Won’t Need a Vacation to Recover
It is common knowledge that vacations are good for you. People who take vacations regularly tend to have lower blood pressure, less stress and improved mental function. But if you find yourself anxiously rushing from one sightseeing tour to another you will come back from your holiday in dire need of more time off. Here are some ways to avoid that trap.

Get Active
For some people, scaling El Capitan or rafting the Colorado River is the ideal vacation but not all active vacations need be so rigorous. Beach vacations are Americans’ most popular type of vacation, and with good reason. They invite various degrees of activity from an easy stroll while the water washes over your feet to a demanding swim against the waves. Explore something like bald head island vacation rentals and discover the charm of canoeing through marshes, taking long nature walks and cycling all around …
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