Britain’s Best ‘Spring Heartland’ Walks

Spring is primarily about transformation and the promise of summer. It fights a titanic struggle, for winter is loath to let go. Eventually spring wins through, and greens the drab-brown land until its flowers cover winter’s grave.
Above all, spring is a mighty metamorphosis that would turn any caterpillar green with envy. Wave upon wave of rejuvenation occurs, over entire landscapes, over whole countries. At its zenith, massive changes occur daily: swallows arrive one day, orange-tip butterflies appear the next, then nightingales, and so on. It offers us new epiphanies each day, each sunny hour.
So, spring can transform us, too, if we allow it to enter into us, and we into it. Fortunately, there are many ultra-special places – spring’s heartlands – which can help us be enriched by the season.
Silverdale, North Lancashire

Spring makes the Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty a place of essential …
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